Keltys UMC


The Mosaic Center

Providing meals Tuesdays -Contact Donna Bruce (936) 212-8469

Other Volunteer Opportunities- Marcelyn Godley (936) 639-5068

Angelina College

Road Runner Market

Partner with East Texas Food Bank, 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00am-2:00pm

Contact Jay Long (936) 671-1272 

Grief Share

Fellowship Hall Tuesday - 6:00pm

Receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind through the grieving process.

Kingdom Kids

Children's center                                                                                  Meal -5:30pm                                                                                         Children's Church -6:00pm-7:00pm

Leaders:                                                                                                    Mrs. Diane, Officer G & Mrs. Sandra

New Jerusalem Christian Center

Bible Study                                                                                               Wednesday-6:30pm

Sabbath                                                                                                     Saturday - 11:00 am

Pastor Vernon Austin (936) 632-0347

Hispanic Service

Fellowship Hall -Sunday,  12:30pm

Francisco "Paco" Vega- (936) 899-8825

Adult Sunday School

Prayer room- Sunday, 10:00am